Have not beening blogging for the longest time. recieved "complaint" from ruxin on sun... Have been so busy with work.. citi.. so busy.. morning joseph rush jayden to Jurong west to my mother in law place with maid, went to Cuscaden, sometimes late appointments if not events in the evening. So tiring everyday.. But it's a good thing to catch up with friends once in a while.
Latest but not so new news is that Audrey is on hot date!!!! woah woah!!! somebody from BBG woah. Tell u this girl is destined to be blessed! Haha. Happy for you Audrey!! more good news from you soon.

Last week was one of those tiring week. Guess what, my ah boy swallowed a a fragment of the plastic fork, about 1 cm. That's horrifying to any parents!!!!arrrghhh
Rush him to KK hospital, took 3 X rays. He cried with all of his might. My ah boy sure use all his milk strength, screamed. How heart breaking it is. All clothes were taken off except his diapers. He has to be strapped and that's how's scary it is for a 16 months old boy.

Nothing can be found through the X ray as it was plastic, not dense enough for the X ray to pick up.
We were told to monitor him for a while to see if there's any symptoms like fever, vomiting or diarrhoea. They gave us a medicine which will help to make the stools soft so that he can hopefully pass out the plastic fork.
Guess what 2 days later, Jayden start to vomit and pass loose stools. Then it get worse. And this spreads to me and my mother in law. and now my Joseph too. sigh sigh.
Got to pray for healing and good health man.